Stress and holidays with small kids

Stress and holidays with small kids

Holidays pre- and post-kids Ah, finally, holidays! Looking forward to some time off work, sleeping in, reading books, sorting out your photos, maybe traveling to a place you’ve always wanted to go to. That is, before you became a parent. ‘It’s a...
How to stay strong as a mother

How to stay strong as a mother

Being a parent has taught me how strong I am I admit it, I’m a sucker for quotes and affirmations. When I first read this one, however, it really struck a cord. Since become a mother five years ago, I have had to be strong on a number of occasions. And I’m...
Do perfect mums exist?

Do perfect mums exist?

The other day, I noticed what looked like a mosquito bite on my youngest daughter’s leg. We have a big garden and she plays outside most of the time we spend at home. The weather has been lovely lately (not complaining!) and with that of course, come mosquitos....