The relationship talk noone wants to have

One of the most difficult conversations I have with other mums has to do with their relationship.

Not their relationship to their partner. Not their relationship to their children.

Their relationship with their…smartphone.

These little objects have truly become an extention of our hand. And if you can find one mum out there not guilty of looking at her phone aimlessly at different times during the day, she is very special indeed.

We are all guilty of doing that, myself included. Many of us complain about not having enough time during the day, but we don’t realise that a lot of that time might be spent consuming information from feeds that whose content we don’t even control.

And yes, it can be fun, sometimes. And interesting, sometimes. And it makes us feel less lonely (though does it really…).

But like any relationship, sometimes we have to open up our hearts and have an honest conversation about how it’s evolved, whether or not it’s serving us, and how we would like it to look like in the future.

If you are also spending way too much time on your phone while other things are pending, it’s time for that talk.



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Hi, I'm Annie!

I’m a mum of two and a coach with a mission to help fellow mums prevent burnout, eradicate stress and overwhelm and live their best lives.