From constantly overwhelmed to calm and fulfilled

From just surviving to thriving, in just four months


Working together to get you to thrive as a mum:


Stop feeling 'not enough'


Remember what it's like to have energy and feel good in your own body


Rediscover a healthy relationship to food, stop relying on coffee and sugar


Learn to navigate parenthood challenges with ease and flow


Be the parent you really want to be

photo of little girl with mum

“Motherhood is hard, and it doesn’t go away”

I offer a truly unique coaching programme that adresses both the mind and the body in every sense of the word. It starts with a boot camp mental fitness programme (Positive Intelligence®) to help you discover what sabotages your wellbeing, relationships and performance and what to do about it. We then look at your health and wellbeing from a holistic point of view, addressing lifestyle factors (such as food, stress, sleep, etc) that are impacting your wellbeing and holding you back from being your best self.

Positive Intelligence® – the missing piece of your wellbeing puzzle

The PQ® Program is a mental fitness program that enables better health, performance, and positive relationships. The six-week program empowers you to create sustained change toward a more positive mind by laying down neural pathways to form new habits through consistent daily practice. The PQ® operating system provides the opportunity to identify and decrease negative thoughts, what we call Saboteurs, and work to increase positive thoughts, what we call Sage.

These new skills and new neural pathways can create huge shifts – not just in your role as a mother, but in every other area of your life too.

Learn more about Positive Intelligence® and how it can help you...
  • What is Positive Intelligence®? 

The PQ® Program is a mental fitness program that enables better health, performance, and positive relationships. Learn more about it here

  • How does it apply to my situation? 

This framework (or this operating system as we like to call it) can be applied to any situation where you find yourself experiencing negative emotions, especially when the circumstances are difficult. As we know, having children comes with a set of challenges, some small, some big, but together enough to throw us off for days or even weeks. This programme helps you recover faster and become much more resilient.

  • Can I work with you without doing the Positive Intelligence® Programme?

You can, but reaching the same objectives will probably take us much longer. I chose to include this as the foundation of my programme for good reason. I have experienced a huge transformation myself after doing it, despite having years of therapy, coaching and self-discovery behind me. I believe in it, and I know it is your best chance at changing how you view your life.

  • How long does the coaching programme last and how often do we meet?

This is a 4-5 month programme (depending on the rhythm we meet in) that includes 12 coaching sessions.  The first seven weeks are weekly sessions in a one-on-one or a group setting, followed by five one-on-one sessions to apply the mental fitness foundations to reach your health and wellbeing goals.

  • What kind of issues will be addressed?

I am confident that I can help you feel more calm and fulfilled. You will be able to deal with stressful and unexpected situations in a much better way. With a stronger mental fitness you will also experience an improvement in your overall health. We can address things like poor eating habits/emotional eating, sleep, self-care, and more, depending. on your own needs and unique situation.

Still have questions? Message me here.


Why work with me

  • I’ve been through this journey myself, first as a young adult struggling with health issues and then as a new mother. Learn more about me here.
  • I have a unique blend of skills that address your mental fitness/mindset (in my opinion the most important element of any kind of change) and your physical health
  • I am a trauma-informed coach with a deep passion for psychology
  • I bring in my experiences of having lived in four different countries, raising children in a multi-cultural and bilingual household, and having lost a parent at an early age
  • I will be 100% commited to you reaching your full potential and thriving, because I really do care


My coaching programme includes

Access to the Positive Intelligence® programme for a full year (market value 995 dollars)

12 online coaching sessions (value: 1080 euros)

Unlimited in-between sessions support via WhatsApp and email

Cost for the full coaching programme:

1780 euros or 4×450 euros.

Money back guarantee: If you do the work and you don’t see any results after two months, I will reimburse you half the coaching fee, no questions asked.

Ready to get started? Book your free complimentary session using the button below

Frequently Asked Questions

Shouldn't I be going to therapy instead?

You can if you want to. A coach is not a therapist but these two modalities compliment each other and can be used in parallel. As your coach, I am your ally and do not hold an expert stance.  The coaching approach is more solution and future-oriented. I have worked with people who have never been to therapy, who used to be in therapy and who currently are in therapy. They all benefited from the coaching relationship. I wrote a blog post about it here

I always purchase programmes like these and I never follow through. How is this one different?

I am confident that with this one, you will. First of all, you are initially encouraged to practice daily to start developing new neural pathways. We meet on a weekly basis. Most importantly, Positive Intelligence® will help you understand why you don’t usually follow through and what to do about it so that it doesn’t happen again.

Can you help me lose weight?

Weight loss is not a goal in itself. You will never get a calorie-restrictive food plan from me. However, as your coach I can certainly help you understand the possible causes of your weight gain and help you apply lifestyle changes accordingly. Rest assured; more often than not, weight loss is one of the many positive consequences you will experience.

I see that you're a health coach, so do you prescribe supplements?

I don’t. Anyone who is a health coach without any further qualifications and sells supplements is not someone you would want to work with. True to my scope of practice, I might share information and resources to help you decide, together with your doctor, if you want to take any supplements. I work with lifestyle changes, and I refer to specialists when needed.

Can I still do this programme if I'm going on holiday during these 12 weeks?

Yes you can, if you can find 1h a week to meet. While the programme does require daily practice, this only lasts a total of 15 minutes. Yes, it’s this powerful!

I think my main problem is my relationship with my partner. Can you help with that?

I am no couples therapist! But my programme does address relationships and how we might be playing a role in them. So yes, indirectly you will benefit from my programme in this area too.

All sessions take place online via Zoom. 

Money back guarantee: if you do the work and you don’t feel any different after just 7 weeks, I will refund half of the programme cost.


"Thanks to Annie my relationship with food, dieting and physical workout has changed to the positive. She gave me lots of practical exercises and established new eating routines that I found easy to stick to. The results are striking. For the first time in four years my estrogen levels have reached a normal level again – and I have come much closer to making peace with my body. I would recommend Annie’s method of functional health coaching to anyone who wants to improve their physical and mental wellbeing."

Sandra, Germany

"Two things about Annie - initiative and adaptability. Annie's method stands out in that she does not limit herself simply to the goals or obstacles with which the client comes in. Annie takes an active interest in learning who it is she is working with, and does the groundwork needed to modify one's approach to the individual case as it comes in. She positively empowers those she works with. I found Annie to be of solid help and great insight to my journey"

Mike, Malta

"I loved working with Annie as my coach. She is a very encouraging and compassionate coach. She helped me find more appreciation for my strengths and find ways to use them improve the areas I was struggling with. She was great at keeping me accountable without making me feel pressured. She gave me practical tools to use that didn't take much time from my busy life - I still use the breathing technique she recommended. Annie is passionate for what she's doing and it shows in her work."

Denitsa, Switzerland

"Even though I worked with Annie for a short period of time (only 5 sessions) she helped me not only to clarify and prioritize my objectives but also to get to know myself and my strengths better, embrace who I am and get the results I craved for. And it was all an easy proccess that didn't feel like a constant struggle with myself to do things.Thank you, Annie, for being such a warm hearted, understanding teamplayer."

Daniela, Romania

"Annie’s natural style and friendly approach immediately made me feel at ease. It was the first time that someone had probed my inner thoughts in a non-judgemental way where I felt comfortable and able to be open and honest. Annie has helped me to see that it is entirely acceptable to explore all avenues to find the solution that works best for you as an individual."

Jenny, U.K.

"Annie was exactly what I needed to help support and guide me during the process of doing an elimination diet. As opposed to focusing on what I couldn't eat, she helped me to see all the other possibilities I had. Her friendly and non-judgmental approach made it very easy to be coached and kept me accountable. We worked not only on diet but also stress management, relationships with others as well as to one's self. Thank you Annie!"

Christina, Sweden

"Annie was a great support during a time where I was experiencing a lot of stress at work, which was taking its toll on my mental and physical health. Through concrete skills and tricks, Annie helped me through a tough time. She also discovered that I might have celiac disease, which later was confirmed by a diagnosis. Thanks for everything Annie!"

Julie, Belgium

"I really enjoyed my time with Annie. I was impressed by her empathy, professionalism, compassion and deep insight. During my journey with Annie, she really took the time to understand who I am, what I needed, and was able to empower me with the right tools that I need to optimise and sustain my health. I left each session feeling completely energised and empowered; knowing what to do and how to do it. What I most honoured was that Annie truly embraces an full circle holistic approach, which totally resonated with me and allowed me to finally connect the dots. I cannot recommend her enough. She is a gem!"

Paula, Germany

"Annie is a great and very knowledgeable coach, who approaches health through various different lenses. She is also a great listener and firstly takes into consideration the individual person, and his situation, needs and preferences. In doing so, she also helps people gain a better understanding of what might be hurting them and how to benefit the most by making the least, most affordable, and sometimes most easily accessible changes."

Evel, Cyprus


Stress and holidays with small kids
Stress and holidays with small kids

Holidays pre- and post-kids Ah, finally, holidays! Looking forward to some time off work, sleeping in, reading books, sorting out your photos, maybe traveling to a place you've always wanted to go to. That is, before you became a parent. 'It's a holiday when the kids...

Coping when your partner is traveling
Coping when your partner is traveling

My husband often has to travel for work. I used to love having a few days for myself before my children were born! And I began to dread them when he started traveling again after the end of the pandemic. Alone with two kids, while working. Help. If you're a single...

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POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE®, PQ®, CERTIFIED PQ COACH™, PQ COACH™ and P+ logo™ are trademarks of Positive Intelligence, LL


The coach identified herein is an independent member of the PQ Coach program, and not an employee, agent, or representative of Positive Intelligence, LLC. The coaching program offered herein is independently owned and operated by the coach, and is not affiliated with or endorsed or sponsored by Positive Intelligence, LLC.