Helping overwhelmed mums feel more calm & fulfilled

Anyone who says motherhood isn’t hard is lying


I know what it’s like to feel lost in your role as a mother, to feel frustrated at how unpredictable your life has become. Perhaps you’re constantly beating yourself up for not feeling like you’re doing a good enough job at home – or at work. Whatever you’re doing it feels like nothing is ever enough and you’re fed up feeling exhausted, stressed and like you’re gasping for air. If you:


Feel physically and mentally drained


Are afraid that if things stay how they are, you're heading towards burnout


Often feel not good enough


Are relying on three lattes and an assortment of sugary treats to get you through the day


Know you should be taking better care of yourself, but it feels impossible

You’re in the right place.


Parenting is hard, but it doesn’t have to be that hard.
When you joined the parenthood club, that didn’t mean you automatically had to join the “exhausted and miserable most of the time until the kids go to university” club.

I’m Annie, and I’m here to help you overcome those feelings of not enoughness so you can actually start thriving as a Mum. I use my unique combination of Positive Intelligence® and Health Coaching to support you to create doable, but significant shifts in your life so you can experience more calm, space and joy inside and outside your role as a mother.


How does loss and grief play out in your life as a parent?
How does loss and grief play out in your life as a parent?

I'm happy to share that I completed a recent training with the Grief Recovery Institute and can now call myself an Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist ®. I have been feeling called to work in the field of grief for a while. As you know already, my mum suddenly passed...

Appreciating your body after becoming a parent
Appreciating your body after becoming a parent

In the first few years after having my children, I had quite a rocky relationship with my body. I've spoken to enough parents to know that I wasn't the only one. Many of us struggle with how we view and take care (or not take care) of our bodies as parents. A...

How you speak to yourself matters
How you speak to yourself matters

There is no sugar-coating it: as much as it is amazing, parenthood is hard. It has definitely been more complicated than I ever expected. The constant responsibility, the balancing of multiple roles, the unpredictability, the expectations (both personal and societal)....


"Thanks to Annie my relationship with food, dieting and physical workout has changed to the positive. She gave me lots of practical exercises and established new eating routines that I found easy to stick to. The results are striking. For the first time in four years my estrogen levels have reached a normal level again – and I have come much closer to making peace with my body. I would recommend Annie’s method of functional health coaching to anyone who wants to improve their physical and mental wellbeing."

Sandra, Germany

"Two things about Annie - initiative and adaptability. Annie's method stands out in that she does not limit herself simply to the goals or obstacles with which the client comes in. Annie takes an active interest in learning who it is she is working with, and does the groundwork needed to modify one's approach to the individual case as it comes in. She positively empowers those she works with. I found Annie to be of solid help and great insight to my journey"

Mike, Malta

"I loved working with Annie as my coach. She is a very encouraging and compassionate coach. She helped me find more appreciation for my strengths and find ways to use them improve the areas I was struggling with. She was great at keeping me accountable without making me feel pressured. She gave me practical tools to use that didn't take much time from my busy life - I still use the breathing technique she recommended. Annie is passionate for what she's doing and it shows in her work."

Denitsa, Switzerland

"Even though I worked with Annie for a short period of time (only 5 sessions) she helped me not only to clarify and prioritize my objectives but also to get to know myself and my strengths better, embrace who I am and get the results I craved for. And it was all an easy proccess that didn't feel like a constant struggle with myself to do things.Thank you, Annie, for being such a warm hearted, understanding teamplayer."

Daniela, Romania

"Annie’s natural style and friendly approach immediately made me feel at ease. It was the first time that someone had probed my inner thoughts in a non-judgemental way where I felt comfortable and able to be open and honest. Annie has helped me to see that it is entirely acceptable to explore all avenues to find the solution that works best for you as an individual."

Jenny, U.K.

"Annie was exactly what I needed to help support and guide me during the process of doing an elimination diet. As opposed to focusing on what I couldn't eat, she helped me to see all the other possibilities I had. Her friendly and non-judgmental approach made it very easy to be coached and kept me accountable. We worked not only on diet but also stress management, relationships with others as well as to one's self. Thank you Annie!"

Christina, Sweden

"Annie was a great support during a time where I was experiencing a lot of stress at work, which was taking its toll on my mental and physical health. Through concrete skills and tricks, Annie helped me through a tough time. She also discovered that I might have celiac disease, which later was confirmed by a diagnosis. Thanks for everything Annie!"

Julie, Belgium

"I really enjoyed my time with Annie. I was impressed by her empathy, professionalism, compassion and deep insight. During my journey with Annie, she really took the time to understand who I am, what I needed, and was able to empower me with the right tools that I need to optimise and sustain my health. I left each session feeling completely energised and empowered; knowing what to do and how to do it. What I most honoured was that Annie truly embraces an full circle holistic approach, which totally resonated with me and allowed me to finally connect the dots. I cannot recommend her enough. She is a gem!"

Paula, Germany

"Annie is a great and very knowledgeable coach, who approaches health through various different lenses. She is also a great listener and firstly takes into consideration the individual person, and his situation, needs and preferences. In doing so, she also helps people gain a better understanding of what might be hurting them and how to benefit the most by making the least, most affordable, and sometimes most easily accessible changes."

Evel, Cyprus

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